
正体判明 > anthy できない件 おーどっかで見たと思ったら懐かしのバグさんじゃありませんか。SigScheme 組み込みが始まった頃からあるバグじゃ。後でやろうと思ってすっかり忘れてたやつだ。前 nosuke さんが言ってたのもこれだろうか。 どうも loader.scm …


Haven't done anything about uim yet, I've been doing math all day. It's such a drag you know, to dig into code you don't feel like digging into... Heck, I might as well just start writing all the entries in English! What a brilliant idea t…


I just realized I can't tell my manuscript u-umlaut apart from a double-`i'. How do Germans manage this? Oh, of course. They don't write in cursive.